J.G. Marmorstein, V.V. Pagar, E. Hummingbird, I.G. Saleh, H.A.T. Phan, Y. Chang, K.D. Shaffer, Y. Venkatesh, I.J. Dmochowski, K.J. Stebe. Improved Large-Scale Synthesis of Acridonylalanine for Diverse Peptide and Protein Applications. Bioconjug. Chem., 2024. DOI: 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.4c00411
G.B. Gomez-Dopazo, R.J. Agosto Nieves, R.L. Albarracín Rivera, S.M. Colon Morera, D.R. Nazario, I. Ramos, I.J. Dmochowski, D. Lee, V. Bansal. Cellulose Acetate Microwell Plates for High-Throughput Colorimetric Assays. RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 22, 15319–15327. DOI: 10.1039/d4ra01317d
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V.V. Shuvaev, M. Khoshnejad, K.W. Pulsipher, R.Y. Kiseleva, E. Arguiri, J.C. Cheung-Lau, K.M. LeFort, M. Christofidou-Solomidou, R.V. Stan, I.J. Dmochowski, V.R. Muzykantov, Spatially controlled assembly of affinity ligand and enzyme cargo enables targeting ferritinnanocarriers to caveolae, Biomaterials, 185, 348-359, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2018.09.015
B.W. Roose, S.D. Zemerov, I.J. Dmochowski. Xenon–Protein Interactions: Characterization by X-Ray Crystallography and Hyper-CEST NMR. In Methods in enzymology, 602, 249-272, 2018. Academic Press. DOI: 10.1016/bs.mie.2018.02.005
B.W. Roose, S.D. Zemerov, Y. Wang, M. Kasimova, V. Carnevale, I.J. Dmochowski, A structural basis for Xe-129 Hyper-CEST signal in TEM-1 β-lactamase, ChemPhysChem, 19, 1-9, 2018. DOI: 10.1002/cphc.201800624. Cover feature. Highlighted in ChemistryViews.
K.W. Pulsipher, J.A. Bulos, J.A. Villegas, J.G. Saven, I.J. Dmochowski, A protein-protein host-guest complex: Thermostable ferritin encapsulatingpositively supercharged green fluorescent protein, Prot. Sci., 27, 1755-1766, 2018. PMID: 30051936, DOI: 10.1002/pro.3483
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I.J. Dmochowski, B.R. Crane, A.R. Dunn, H.B. Gray, J.J. Wilker, J.R. Winkler, Detection of biomolecules by sensitizer-linked substrates, serial number 10/031,532; patent number 7,105,310, issued 9/12/06.
I.J. Dmochowski, P.A. Hill, Q. Wei, N.N. Kuzma, 129Xe biosensors and their use, P-9049-USP, provisional filed 08/27/06, U.S. patent application filed 8/6/07.
I.J. Dmochowski, X. Tang, Photocleavable oligonucleotide and uses thereof, filed 12/04/06, provisional filed 11/27/07, U.S. patent application filed 11/08.
I.J. Dmochowski, P.A. Hill, Q. Wei, J.L. Chambers, Tri-functionalized cryptophanes and their use, provisional filed 07/07/08, U.S. patent application filed 7/07/09.
M. Jimbo, G. Robbins, N. Kamat, I.J. Dmochowski, M.J. Therien, D. Hammer, Polymer vesicles for selective electromagnetic energy-induced delivery, U.S. patent application #12/548,801 filed 8/27/09.